Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto

Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
Talking about the living room is never ending, for living room designideas this time willI take from an architect from Brazil named GiseleToranto who latercollaborated with the artists thatMara Fainziliber andalso with alighting designer Maneco Quindere. The idea for this time in the living room calleda living room for art collectors.
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
In general, the art collector veryhappy to collect a variety of antique items which are then collected in a special roomin his house. Extraordinaryideas for living room design for art collectorsto be the right choice for them. You knowart is essentially a beauty, so all things that smell of beauty are in the art itself. When all three elements of the three areas of artassembled it will produce a work of extraordinary living room design that is beautiful enough thatit is more in dedicated to the art collector.

Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
Role here ismuch less pronounced in the lighting system, where the living room is equippedwith a large sizewith lighting that is so unique that is a chandelier in yourceiling is shapedlike a cone, and the outer coloured black. For measuringthe size of the lamp itself is fairly large, andconsists of about nine pieces, so if everything is in turnthe living room youwill feel so light. Much less pronounced role again for the lightingsystem in the living room is on the cornerthere is one part paste that is light on the wall likea stick with a long form, which can be used to place in the living room reading. A round table and chairsfaithfully accompany the corner of this room.
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
Living room design is equipped with a sofa without legs, as well as his desk so it looks shorter.  His own desk made ​​of ceramic thatis usually used for the floor; it's just made​​a little high so that it can be made in the table. Toincrease the power of art in the living room is also provided chairs antic of wood complete with atable that canaccommodate many guests in this space.
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
In one corner of the living room there is also another bookshelf shapedlike a ladder, quite unique, and when viewed at a glance without the book it's more like a laddercommonly in use for the ride.

For the living room wall is now no need tosay anymore, becausealmost the entire existing wall in the living room is filledwith a variety of paintings, ranging from abstractpainting to paintingnatural. Existing windows in the living room are alsolarge, and everythingin the paint withwhite colour so it looks clean. 
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
Living room design ideas from Gisele Toranto
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